Saturday, June 25, 2011

New Orleans


Today I'm leaving for New Orleans and will be there for a week with my youth group, helping rebuild in areas hit by Katrina as well as doing a little bit of sightseeing.  I'm so excited!!!!!

I know that after we return, the rest of the summer will seem to "zoom by."  Before I know it, it will be the end of August and I will be packing up, moving into a new dorm and starting a new life.

Talk to you soon!

Monday, June 6, 2011


Hey everyone!

I know I haven't posted on here for a while- but I wanted to update on somethings.

First and foremost I'd like to say that this past Thursday, I graduated high school!!!  I had a lovely time with my family and friends.  On Saturday we had a luncheon at my house and our prettified backyard (i'm pretty sure the last time we've had a big thing in my backyard was my 8th birthday part :} ) It was a good experience for me socially and it was a nice, laid-back affair.  I've also several gifts, money and even a few scholarships over the past couple of weeks.
I've decided on a tiny liberal arts college in my home state.  Originally I wanted to go out of state, but the school I'm attending attracts people from many different places.  There's a surprising number of people from the other side of the country and foreign countries as well.  I get to meet several people at orientation next week as well as in August.  I'm also on the Facebook group for the college, so I've got a gist that there are many students with similar interests as me.  (Even if they are much more social ;] )

Well, overall I'm feeling pretty relieved and looking forward to this summer being a good one.  I'm going to New Orleans for a service trip and going to a wedding, in addition to some more local yokel stuff.

Hope to talk to you soon!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


So today's it.  I'm 18!!!  The party that i had two days ago was very enjoyable.  It was me and 5 other girls and we had a pretty chill evening, talking about future plans, listening to music, playing with balloons and hangin out at a local playground.  And of course there was food, cake and presents.  Overall, while it is not the BIG 18th birthday party that I'd pictured in my head, it was still nice.  My actual birthday hasn't been quite as celebratory, but for good reason- there's a college visit to have and family to be seen, so we've been getting ready for that.  And I registered to vote!  I feel there's a few more birthday wishes to come, but I've got bigger fish to fry.  The top things on my mind right now are picking a college and preparing for the AP tests I'm taking.  YiKES!!!  But, I'll do what I can.

Talk to you soon!

Monday, March 21, 2011

1 month-2 days till the big day

Hey everyone!

  Thanks for reading my blog and wholarlmor I hope your son has the best birthday ever!  A picnic or pizza and maybe some running around and some cake is instant success.  So one month minus 2 days until I'm the big One- Eight, pretty exctiting.  My life has been kind of crazy sincer March is pretty much pre-determined to be the most stressful month of school, but the weather is changing and I have a good feeling about spring.  And with spring comes Prom, which is another thing that I'm a little nervous about socially wise, but I'm really looking forward to dressing up and having the general experience of.  My grandmother even said that she'll take me prom dress shopping!  I'm trying to go vintage.  Of course, in my perfect world, a group of girls would have excitedly started plotting and planning about eating out, going together etc. or I'd have a date.  I know that not that many teens "date" in the present, but for a long time I've thought it would be cool, just to have the experience.  In case you're wondering, I would look for someone not with PDD or an autism spectrum disorder, but someone who's just really caring, maybe raised with a slightly alternative, open lifestyle.  I have an image in my head of the ideal date with dinner or lunch, maybe a movie night, walk around town, go on an impromptu road trip and take pictures of stuff, all ending with a good night kiss. Hahaha.  Well, I've given up on dates and most guys that I know of are pretty uninteresting or annoying, so I'll wait, but it's still nice to dream. . .
Let's see what the future holds
Oh and speaking of which, I've gotten into several colleges!  Yay me!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thanks to all of you who have read my blog so far!  I'm glad for your interest and your questions.
There's only a month and a few days until I'm 18.  I'm really anticipating it, but I'm also really nervous.  The idea of adulthood is dautning, but more immediatley, so is my party.  I really feel like a party is a good opportunity to practice social skills,, but it is also hard.  I'm afraid that not many people will come or purposefully search for excuses not to.  I want to enjoy this last bit of high school that I have, but it's hard.  Siometimes I like to think back on the really epic birthday parties that I had when I was little from turning age 3 to age 9 were great themes and great fun.  Things seemed so much easier and so much more people seemed to genuinley want to come.  I really hope that people can come to my 18th birthday party and that they'll actually want to come and have a good time.  I plan on inviting a little more than twenty people.  Hopefully , at least 6 or 7 can come, but likely it will be even less than that or even no one.  This idea may seem sad, but it is a truth that I must accept.  I feel like I'm, looking at a dream of "the perfect party" through cellophane.  I really want this year to be different, even though it may sound silly or even shallow to others.  

Friday, February 4, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hello everyone, let me introduce myself


  I decided to start this blog because while there are several support sites for people with autism spectrum disorders, I haven't found any that I can directly relate to.  I've had some struggles with PDD NOS, the biggest one being socially.  I often find myself being awkward or feeling left out in social situations.  I'm not  the girl that people beg to hang out with on the weekends.  I can be very sensitive and look for perfection, but never find it.  Most of my free time is spent alone or with my family.  In my free time, I watch DVD's and consider myself a bit of a film buff and would love to have some discussions on film.  My overall passion is writing, though I don't write nearly as often as I should.  Ever since I was very little, I've wanted to be a storyteller.  I would run around downstairs with a beautiful Mexican silk belt that I wore down to threads or, if that was unavailable, a ribbon, piece of yarn or even a jumprope would suffice.  In fact, it is because of this behavior along with my socially awkward behavior and struggle with physical activity that I was diagnosed with PDD NOS when I was in third grade.

I am currently a senior in high school and though I have overcome many of my obstacles, I still struggle, especially socially.  My fingers are crossed that next year, in college, things will get better and more people will accept me for who I am.  I'm here for those of you in similar situations, (especially girls who I feel would have it worse than guys would), as well as for those who have never heard of PDD NOS and for those who just want to hear my thoughts.  The majority of my posts, I hope, will be about some of my interactions, and insights particularly those that are enhanced by what makes me me.  I hope to write some funny stuff, some quirky stuff some (*pfffff NOT*) romantic stuff and a little bit of everything else that is "being me...with pdd"