Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hello everyone, let me introduce myself


  I decided to start this blog because while there are several support sites for people with autism spectrum disorders, I haven't found any that I can directly relate to.  I've had some struggles with PDD NOS, the biggest one being socially.  I often find myself being awkward or feeling left out in social situations.  I'm not  the girl that people beg to hang out with on the weekends.  I can be very sensitive and look for perfection, but never find it.  Most of my free time is spent alone or with my family.  In my free time, I watch DVD's and consider myself a bit of a film buff and would love to have some discussions on film.  My overall passion is writing, though I don't write nearly as often as I should.  Ever since I was very little, I've wanted to be a storyteller.  I would run around downstairs with a beautiful Mexican silk belt that I wore down to threads or, if that was unavailable, a ribbon, piece of yarn or even a jumprope would suffice.  In fact, it is because of this behavior along with my socially awkward behavior and struggle with physical activity that I was diagnosed with PDD NOS when I was in third grade.

I am currently a senior in high school and though I have overcome many of my obstacles, I still struggle, especially socially.  My fingers are crossed that next year, in college, things will get better and more people will accept me for who I am.  I'm here for those of you in similar situations, (especially girls who I feel would have it worse than guys would), as well as for those who have never heard of PDD NOS and for those who just want to hear my thoughts.  The majority of my posts, I hope, will be about some of my interactions, and insights particularly those that are enhanced by what makes me me.  I hope to write some funny stuff, some quirky stuff some (*pfffff NOT*) romantic stuff and a little bit of everything else that is "being me...with pdd"


  1. Hi,
    I came across your blog off of another blog. We have a three year old boy diagnosed with PDD-NOS. He is such a sweet boy. I look forward to reading about your experiences with PDD-NOS. Being young parents and learning more about PDD-NOS are a little worried about his future but we remain positive. Our site is

    Jake and Melyssa

  2. Hey!

    Well, like I said to wholarmor, make sure he has a lot of support and be patient. For now, he should be fine, only in third or fourth grade will there be some potential problems with other kids. 4th-7th grade were probably the hardest. Furthermore, and I don't mean to sound critical or overly cynical (which your son may be-- but it'll be fine), but since your son is male, things probably won't be as hard. He'll probably be interpreted as "cute" and "quirky" in high school, rather than weird antisocialite (as I am often interpreted to be)
    You guys should be fine :)
    Best of luck!!
    Any questions?
