Monday, March 21, 2011

1 month-2 days till the big day

Hey everyone!

  Thanks for reading my blog and wholarlmor I hope your son has the best birthday ever!  A picnic or pizza and maybe some running around and some cake is instant success.  So one month minus 2 days until I'm the big One- Eight, pretty exctiting.  My life has been kind of crazy sincer March is pretty much pre-determined to be the most stressful month of school, but the weather is changing and I have a good feeling about spring.  And with spring comes Prom, which is another thing that I'm a little nervous about socially wise, but I'm really looking forward to dressing up and having the general experience of.  My grandmother even said that she'll take me prom dress shopping!  I'm trying to go vintage.  Of course, in my perfect world, a group of girls would have excitedly started plotting and planning about eating out, going together etc. or I'd have a date.  I know that not that many teens "date" in the present, but for a long time I've thought it would be cool, just to have the experience.  In case you're wondering, I would look for someone not with PDD or an autism spectrum disorder, but someone who's just really caring, maybe raised with a slightly alternative, open lifestyle.  I have an image in my head of the ideal date with dinner or lunch, maybe a movie night, walk around town, go on an impromptu road trip and take pictures of stuff, all ending with a good night kiss. Hahaha.  Well, I've given up on dates and most guys that I know of are pretty uninteresting or annoying, so I'll wait, but it's still nice to dream. . .
Let's see what the future holds
Oh and speaking of which, I've gotten into several colleges!  Yay me!


  1. Hi again. Just keeping up on your blog. Glad to hear you have been accepted into several colleges. As for dating and prom, it can be a crazy amount of pressure. I'm sure I could give you several "When I was your age..." stories but I will save you the bore. Needless to say, college is much better for dating and meeting people. Are you going into anything that involves writing? Both my wife and I thought your writing skills are excellent. One thing I may mention about throwing parties is to not have your hopes set to high. I was lucky and the parties I through were a hit, but some of the parties my sister threw were meager and she had her sights set on matching my success. I guess the moral to my thought is be happy with what you have and enjoy the time with those around you.

  2. Thanks! I hope by next month, we would have nicer weather for a picnic. Jayden is very picky in his eating(do you experience this?). He doesn't like pizza. Mostly just burritos and pb and j. But he does like cake!

    I hope you have fun with prom! I never went to Prom, but I did go to some school dances. I agree with Jake that the dating in college is a lot better. I found people to be a lot less judgmental, no cliques, no popularity contests, etc.
    Congratulations on being accepted to several colleges!

  3. I'm sorry, my last comment couldn't post.

    Jake: Thank you, so much, I actually got into Emerson College for writing literature and publishing. I am considering it, but it would be a big sacrifice living in Boston and specializing in one specific thing. I hope the party will be good, and i'm adopting a hope for the best expet the worst.

  4. wholarmor: I actually am not a picky eater(the only things I really don't like are pickles, tea, licorice and plain raisins), but I feel as if pet peeves/ specific behavior is a "PDD Thing." For example, I hate the sound/feel of tulle and curling ribbon, even though I think they are both very pretty. It makes my teeth hurt, when i see it rip ir get curled. I also gag a little when I see/hear people spit. I also hate going up loong flights of metal/stone stairs, because I fell down a flight of them when I was little.
    For the party, I would advise against pb anj because of allergies, but a kid-friendly burrito bar or a potluck would be great.
    Thanks for the warm wishes. I am trying with all my heart to take thingsd as they are, in order to have a successful life!
    Prom will be what it is for me- an experience, and maybe I will start dating in college!
