Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thanks to all of you who have read my blog so far!  I'm glad for your interest and your questions.
There's only a month and a few days until I'm 18.  I'm really anticipating it, but I'm also really nervous.  The idea of adulthood is dautning, but more immediatley, so is my party.  I really feel like a party is a good opportunity to practice social skills,, but it is also hard.  I'm afraid that not many people will come or purposefully search for excuses not to.  I want to enjoy this last bit of high school that I have, but it's hard.  Siometimes I like to think back on the really epic birthday parties that I had when I was little from turning age 3 to age 9 were great themes and great fun.  Things seemed so much easier and so much more people seemed to genuinley want to come.  I really hope that people can come to my 18th birthday party and that they'll actually want to come and have a good time.  I plan on inviting a little more than twenty people.  Hopefully , at least 6 or 7 can come, but likely it will be even less than that or even no one.  This idea may seem sad, but it is a truth that I must accept.  I feel like I'm, looking at a dream of "the perfect party" through cellophane.  I really want this year to be different, even though it may sound silly or even shallow to others.  


  1. Thank you so much for sharing such a personal part of who you are and your struggles. It takes a lot of courage to do what you are doing! I wish I was 18 so I could come celebrate with you! :) Happy Birthday!

  2. Oh thanks! I still have a little over a month left, though. So far I have at least three that can come! I'm pretty optimistic.

  3. I hope you have a wonderful party! My son who is on the spectrum is also have a birthday in a month. His is April 28th. I'm sure that no matter how many people come, you can have a good time. Sometimes the more intimate parties are the best!

    Thanks for answering my questions in your last post. I hope to see more blog posts from you in the future- more about the day to day things that you face and what your plans are for the future, etc.
